Resources and Tools
· ☕ 8 min read
This page contains links to couple of interesting training resources, tools and other material useful for Incident Response, Penetration Testing, Malware Analysis and other security-related areas.
Although I’ve placed it here mainly for myself and students of my security courses, if you find it useful, it is also accessible through the easily remembered URL
Bellow, you may find materials for the following areas:
Security Monitoring and Incident Response Threat Hunting Threat Intelligence Threat Modeling Penetration Testing and Red Teaming Purple Teaming Malware Analysis Application Security OT Security Miscellaneous Security Monitoring and Incident Response Standards and Best Practices ENISA Good Practice Guide for Incident Management NIST Computer Security Incident Handling Guide (SP 800-61r2) SIM3: Security Incident Management Maturity Model SOC-CMM Reference Security Incident Taxonomy (RSIT) (current version) FIRST CSIRT/PSIRT Services Framework MaGMa Use Case Framework Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) Incident Response Hierarchy of Needs INTERPOL Guidelines for Digital Forensics First Responders NIST Guide to Integrating Forensic Techniques into Incident Response (NIST SP 800-86) CISA Cybersecurity Incident & Vulnerability Response Playbooks ENISA CSIRT Maturity Framework Google SOAR Maturity Model RFC 2350 - Expectations for Computer Security Incident Response Best practices for event logging and threat detection Training Resources CSIRT Training Resources from ENISA Tutorials for Network Miner and Other Netresec Tools PCAP Files for Training - Malware Traffic Analysis FIRST Courses TRANSITS Materials Encyclopedia of evasion techniques STOic TTX Facilitator Training BlueYard - Blue Team CTF Challenges Collections of Resources Awesome Incident Response Awesome Security APIs Awesome Detection Engineering Awesome SOAR List Tool Analysis Result Sheet TriOp - Tool for quickly gathering statistical information from Shodan.