SANS ISC Diary - Couple of interesting Covid-19 related stats
· β˜• 1 min read
A Diary of mine was published today on the SANS Internet Storm Center. In this one, we take a look at how regional travel restrictions impact (or don’t) the number of IP addresses which expose remote access protocols to the internet.

Open ports in the Time of Corona
· β˜• 3 min read
One of the side effects of social distancing and self-quarantining due to COVID-19 was a large increase in the use of VPNs (and, in some cases, different remote access protocols, such as RDP or SSH) by companies around the world, so that their employees might work from home. I was wondering how large this increase would be when compared to the usual state of affairs. To determine this, I took a look at data I gathered from Shodan over the course of March and made couple of - hopefully interesting - charts.